自從第一次聽到這首歌就好喜歡, 喜歡曲婉婷的唱腔, 喜歡這首歌的旋律

不過看了內容之後, 好感動 ....雖然他是一首失戀歌....

之前一直很討厭臭比才剛跟我交往, 卻喜歡一堆失戀歌 (欠扁耶他, 所以常常逼他唱戀愛ing之類的歌  哈)
網路上翻譯百百款, 雖然原文的比較有感觸, 但是有些人翻譯得也很有中文的意境...

其中我看到最喜歡的是這作家 姜國梁的
光看到他的"前言"就夠感動了, 而這份感動持續到他翻譯的文字裡感受更深...

不過參考這些文字後, 偶可以自己來翻一下嗎....哈


When minutes become hours 當分鐘累積成小時
When days become years  當天天累積成年年
And I don't know where you are  我仍舊找不到你
Color seems so dull without you  我的世界蒙上了陰影  (我原本想寫人生是黑白的  哈) 

Have we lost our minds? 我們當初是瘋了嗎?
What have we done?  我們到底做了什麼!
But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore 但是現在一切都不重要了

When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  那天你在街上親吻我  我也回吻你
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine 我們彼此擁抱
You picked me up to lay me down 你燃起我的希望, 卻又讓我失望
When I look into your eyes 當我望向你的眼裡
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I  我能聽見你似乎在為了我們而哭泣
I drenched in your love 我沉浸在你的愛裡
I'm no longer able to hold it back 但是我現在卻無法挽回這份愛 

Is it too late to ask for love?  現在是不是已經太晚了
Is it wrong to feel right? 現在才感覺到是不是錯的
When the world is winding down 當我跟你的世界已經被風吹逝
Thoughts of you linger around 我仍舊活在有你的世界裡

Have we lost our minds? 我們那時是瘋了嗎?
What have we done? 我們做了什麼?!
But it all doesn't seem to matter anymore 不過現在都不重要了 

When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back  那天我們在街上親吻
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine 彼此擁抱
You picked me up to lay me down  你燃起我的希望, 卻又讓我絕望 
When I look into your eyes 當我看向你的眼裡
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I 似乎可以看見你在為了我們而哭泣
I drenched in your love  我陶醉在你的愛裡
I'm no longer able to hold it back  但是我現在卻無法挽回你  

人要把握當下, 好好把握自己身邊的人.....

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