首先 老師叫James 我叫Vera
then, let's begin

Dear James

This is Vera again.
How are you?
Chrismas is coming, and there are lots of gifts about Chrismas selling in every shops. That's really amazing. Could you give me your address, then I can send the Chrismas card to you. The electronic card is popular, but I thought it is really insincere to use it. I promise that I will not bother you after getting it. ha~

My friends always say that I like to be confused by strange questions. For example, I have asked them about why the eyebrow will not be as long as the hair. Is it strange? Have you never felt strange that why the eyebrow or eyelash will not keep growing like hair? Ha~ Now I know the answer.

I am thinking that if all people could come true their wishes, what would happen, and what would the world be? The first answer hits me is that everyone will be happiness ever afer, and the world will be peaceful, no beggars, no thieves, no "bad guys". Every thing is wonderful, isn't it?
After that, the rich want to be richer, and power is the next, and what is the next and next? The recent wish is done, and people will keeping asking more and more.
The second answer is that there would be lots of people lose their jobs, in other words, there will be no "police"(no thieves anymore), no firemen(no one wants to get fire), no soldiers(no one wants to have wars), no doctors(no one wants to be sick), etc.
To conclude, that's a tough question for me, so don't think about it anymore. ha~

Then, if the wishes would not come true, what do we work for? chasing the "goal" and telling ourselves that we will get it one day? Why do we always make wishes that they will never come true? Is it because that people need to put themselves under hypnosis to continue their lifes?

I just want to share the opinions with you, ha, never mind. This "disease"- strange question- will happen sometimes.

With very best wishes,


恭喜恭喜 看得懂我的破英文
沒關係 大概是我文法錯太多 哈哈


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